WA Building and Garden Maintenance


Glass Door Repairs Perth

For Glass Door Repairs Perth you may get assistance anytime for quality and best services. If your sliding door is hard to open or close, the locks no longer line up or the door is in general need of attention rest assured we can help. But before that takes look at the most common glass sliding door problems -


Rollers are attached to the underside of the door and run along the track to allow for ease of operation. These bearing rollers come in many different styles depending on the age and brand of the door. These are a replaceable item and generally, need replacing at around 15 years of service. This depends on if the rollers and tracks have been maintained throughout their lifetime.

Another common problem with rollers is the bearing getting dirty from sand, dust, hair, fur or other debris. This debris can jam into the bearing and cause it to fail. Once the bearing has failed and the rollers no longer roll, they will then be scraping along the track causing damage to the track itself. This scraping is very common and by the time this happens, the problem becomes apparent to everyone using the Sliding Door.

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